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              Even before the 2025 Virginia General Assembly convenes, the abortion industry is already advocating to amend Virginia’s constitution to include unlimited abortion.

They want to make Virginia the number one state where women, from all states, can come to get abortions- including late term abortions. In fact, in the 2024 session, HB 1539 and SB 15, which would prohibit the governor from extraditing a person in Virginia who has committed abortion-related crimes in other states, passed both chambers and was sent to the governor for his signature, but it was vetoed by the governor. Which means the governor sent the bill back to the General Assembly with a written explanation for the veto. To override a veto, a 2/3 majority is required in both chambers. If a 2/3 majority vote is obtained, the bill becomes law regardless of the governor’s veto. If 2/3 is not obtained, the bill is considered dead.

Pro-abortion legislators are ready to begin the process to include abortions without any exceptions in 2025.

Even the city of Richmond appears to be preparing themselves for the increased number of abortions this amendment would allow by agreeing to sell a public property building valued at $1.25 million to abortion giant “Planned Parenthood” for just $10. They are adamant about establishing abortion as a “fundamental right” with no restrictions or safety standards.

This would not only end the lives of thousands of unborn children but will also endanger the health and well-being of women.

Here are some points that the amendment, in its current form, would accomplish:

·       Eliminate all parental knowledge or consent prior to a minor undergoing the procedure.

·       It would prevent Virginia from reinstating critical abortion clinic safety standards and uniform written consent for women and minors.

·       It would allow men to claim a fundamental right to impregnate a woman, and to deny responsibility to pay child support for children they want to abort.

·       It would prevent the state from being able to protect minors from harmful “gender reassignment” or other sterilization surgeries that would, on purpose, leave a person unable to reproduce.

There is a process to make this an amendment to the Commonwealth’s Constitution.

First, there is the bill that is introduced to either the house or senate or two companion bills in both chambers.

The amendment must follow the process through various committees.

The amendment must be approved by both chambers (house and senate).

*Important note to remember is that an amendment CANNOT be vetoed by the governor.

But we have an intervening election. So, the election of delegates must occur before the amendment is taken up again. Praying for God’s providential work, and that conservative legislators with family values will retake the majority in both chambers.

After the election the amendment is introduced again, as it was passed in the first session. The language cannot be amended. The amendment must pass both chambers.

The language, as passed twice, goes to the ballot for the people of the Commonwealth to vote. The people vote yes/no on the language as it was passed both times in chambers.

If yes, it becomes part of the constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia. If no, it dies.

We have a lot of work to do and once the amendment is dropped for the new session your team at the VAIB will be there to keep you informed of the progress, and what you can do to help.

The help that we will ask of you is that you contact your representative and inform him/her of your objection to this constitutional amendment.

To best find your representative, go to and on the top right of the page click on “Who is my Legislator,” and put in your address and it will direct you to the name and address of your representative.

We serve a God who holds the king’s heart in his hands and turns it in whatever direction He wills (Proverbs 21:1). God’s people pray, do what we can do by voting and by contacting our representatives, and then watch God work on our behalf. Thank you for your support and prayers.


Michael Huffman