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Mark & Amy Coffey – South Africa

Mark & Amy 

Tyler (married)

Chase (in college)

Emilee (18)

Luke (17)

Addison (10)


I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was six years old. It wasnʼt until I was nineteen on a mission trip to Peru that I totally surrendered my life to the Lord. My wife and I were full time missionaries on the field of Peru for five years, but came back to the States in 2005 to help start the Our Generation Training Center, Vision Baptist Church, and Vision Baptist Missions in Alpharetta, GA. In April 2011, our family resigned as the Director of Vision Baptist Missions to begin raising support as church planting missionaries to South Africa. We arrived on the field in June 2013, and started New Life Baptist Church of Kwadwesi, and led in 3 other church plants. Amy and I have 5 children. 1 is on deputation to Argentina, one is Bible college studying to be a missionary, and our 3 youngest are still at home.


I had the opportunity to grow up in a pastorʼs home. Pastor Wayne Cofield, from Whitfield Baptist Church in Dalton, GA, is my dad. I accepted Christ as my personal Savior when I was eight years old. I surrendered my life completely to God when I was in Peru on a missions trip at the age of fifteen. I decided then that I would do anything and go anywhere God wanted me to. My purpose in life is to be the best possible help meet for my husband. Mark and I, along with our five children, Tyler, Chase, Emilee, Luke, and Addison, are serving together to get the gospel around the world. MARK’S BACKGROUND


Five month missions trip to Peru, South America where I surrendered to preach.


Worked in my home church, Whitfield Baptist Church, as the childrenʼs church pastor and as an assistant youth leader.


Went back to Peru to complete Spanish language school and attend the Peru Baptist College.


Completed my last two years of Bible College at Crown College. I used those credits to graduate from the Peru Baptist College in Arequipa, Peru.


We were with Macedonia World Baptist Missions as Church planting missionaries to Peru, South America. We were on deputation for 2 years and on the field for 3 and a half years. We worked in church planting, the radio and television ministry, and the Peru Baptist College.


Represented the Peru Baptist College stateside. Helped start Vision Baptist Church, Vision Baptist Missions, and the Our Generation Training Center in Alpharetta, GA.


Represented the Peru Baptist College stateside and became the General Director of Vision Baptist Missions.

2011- present

Church Planting Missionary to South Africa.

2020- present

Africa Director for Vision Baptist Missions

August 2024

July 2024

Emilee Coffey July 2024

Men's Bible Study

Hope Baptist Church in Fairfield, OH and Immanuel Baptist Church in Corruna, MI The groups have done a terrific job ministering in all the churches here in Port Elizabeth. The preaching, singing, and testimonies have been encouraging and I believe they have really helped the people.

Oakwood Baptist Church in Anderson, SC The groups have been an extra blessing to Camp Rhino with the safari hunts and fishing trips. Needless to say, our freezers are full, and they’ve supplied enough meat to stock our freezers for at least the next 6-8 months. A lot of kids will enjoy great meals from their gifts to the Camp.