Gibbs NCLL Bio Sheets
July 4, 2023
On this Independence Day, our hearts are filled with gratitude to God for the freedoms we have in this country. And the fundamental freedom that lies at the very core of our nation's identity is the freedom of religion. This cherished right, enshrined in the First Amendment of our Constitution, guarantees that you and I can worship our precious Savior without fear of persecution or discrimination. Everyone here at National Center for Life and Liberty remains committed to safeguarding this freedom. Religious liberty has made our nation a beacon of hope and a land of opportunity for so many. Let’s thank God for America and ask Him to do what only He can do to bring healing to our land. Have a wonderful time of celebration this July 4th! David C. Gibbs III President and General Counsel
On this Independence Day, our hearts are filled with gratitude to God for the freedoms we have in this country. And the fundamental freedom that lies at the very core of our nation's identity is the freedom of religion. This cherished right, enshrined in the First Amendment of our Constitution, guarantees that you and I can worship our precious Savior without fear of persecution or discrimination. Everyone here at National Center for Life and Liberty remains committed to safeguarding this freedom. Religious liberty has made our nation a beacon of hope and a land of opportunity for so many. Let’s thank God for America and ask Him to do what only He can do to bring healing to our land. Have a wonderful time of celebration this July 4th! David C. Gibbs III President and General Counsel