Although I made a profession of faith in 1973, it was while attending Tennessee Temple University that I saw myself lost. I was led to Lord by my Sunday School teacher and then called to preach at Highland Park Baptist Church. Vanessa was raised in a pastor’s home and made a profession at the age of nine. She later experienced true conviction as a teenager, refusing to admit her need of salvation. After she and I were married, she accepted Christ as her personal Saviour. Rachel accepted the Lord while at the Wilds Camp, as a teenager.
It was while I was employed as a correctional officer in Hampton, Virginia, that God began to work on my heart for prison ministry. I realized that inmates were lost in their sins without hope and mostly without a true understanding of salvation. In 2000 God called our family as missionaries to prison and started to prepare our hearts for this ministry. In 2003 we were accepted as missionaries with Rock of Ages Ministries, in Cleveland.
Our home and sending church is Bethel Baptist Church, in Hampton, Virginia. We are full-time in the ministry and also travel to churches on deputation presenting our ministry and assisting pastors. Our primary area of ministry is the revival team in the northeast section of the United States, in federal and state prisons, where we attend twice a year. We have Bible study during the day and evangelistic services at night. Each soul saved is encouraged to participate in our Prisoner’s Bible Institute. Presently, prisons in the north are shutdown due to COVID until the end of the year. At this time I am assisting co-missionaries in prisons in the south. I have also started a ministry encouraging and sharing the gospel with correctional officers and first responders.
July 2022
March 2022
June 2022
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