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Jason & Lori Holt – Chile

Bio coming soon.

September 2024

In addition to presenting the ministry in churches in Washington D.C., Maryland, Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas, God gave us the opportunity to speak at two missions youth events. In early July, a church in North Carolina hosted a Youth for the Gospel event in conjunction with Vision Baptist Missions. It was encouraging to meet teenagers who are serving God and interested in missions. The following week, Lori and I were invited to teach breakout sessions at a missions teen camp in Tennessee. We pray God will take the seeds we sowed and call more laborers for the harvest.

On October 22, we held a ladies conference at the Chile Training Center to challenge women to renew their love, walk, and service for Christ. We thank the Lord for the over 140 ladies in attendance who got to hear from different pastors' wives and missionaries from all over Chile. We are asking God to continue to use the Scriptures shared at this event to encourage many.

Last month, our team of pastors in Chile organized our annual men’s retreat. This year, over 140 men participated in the two-day event. We have heard many encouraging reports of spiritual growth and strengthened relationships from those that participated. Thank you for praying together with us for this special event.

Our Generation Training Center Vision Baptist Missions has not only assisted missionaries from many different local churches get to the field and service in church planting, but it also offers college-level training for those preparing for the mission field. In May, both Lori and I had the opportunity to teach modular classes to the young men and women at the Our Generation Training Center. I also had the privilege to preach the commencement message to the graduating class of 2023. If you would like more information about this missions-training school, please visit

All Saints Day On November 1st, Chileans commemorate All Saints’ Day. It’s a national holiday, so most people have the day off. On this day, thousands of people will go to the cemetery to visit their dead loved ones’ graves. They will decorate them with flowers and often spend the afternoon there with various refreshments. The cemeteries are extremely full that day. What grieves our hearts is that many of them are visiting the graves of people who weren’t believers and who are in eternity without the Lord. That is why we are here, and we earnestly pray God uses us to reach more people with the gospel.

Last month, I enjoyed visiting Kevin and Beth White in Cochabamba, Bolivia, where they have faithfully planted churches since 2006. While there, I also spent some time with Andrew Wilder and Courtney Mathos, both VBM missionaries. Kevin invited me to speak at their Multiply Conference. We had three evening services with believers from several churches. In the mornings, I taught a group of Bolivian pastors about discipleship and church planting for several days. I took my son Andrew along on this trip, and we both left encouraged about all that God is doing in Bolivia.