Family – Brian, Evelyn, Ruth & Rachel McClain
Brian’s Testimony
As a very young boy I was taken to church by my mother. Before I completed middle school, we stopped attending church, and I was in high school before I began to attend church again, at the invitation of two friends.
The Lord began to deal with me, and I really wanted to be saved. I thought that by cleaning up my life I could make myself acceptable unto God. I made many drastic changes in my lifestyle, completely changed my outward appearance, and even got heavily involved in the ministries of the church. Although everyone thought I was now saved, there was something missing in my life.
On March 4, 1999, I was having my morning devotions. While reading the Word of God I realized that I was now religious but still lost, I repented of my sins, and I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.
Shortly after receiving Christ, I was burdened about growing in my relationship with the Lord. I wanted to learn more about the Bible and the work of God. After receiving an Associate’s degree in Management from a local college, I enrolled in Crown College of the Bible in Powell, TN. At a Mission’s Conference there in October of 1999, the Lord in a very definite way called me to take the Gospel to Asia. This seemed somewhat strange because I had not yet felt God’s call on my life to preach. Then in December of 1999, the Lord called me to preach His glorious Gospel.
I finished two years at Crown College and then my home church started a Bible College. I felt led to return there to help my pastor in the ministry and to finish my training. While on a four month mission trip in the Philippines, God reconfirmed my burden for Asia and I met my wife Evelyn while in the Philippines.
I have been involved in many different aspects of ministry at my home church and eventually assumed the role of Assistant Pastor in September 2004.
Our home church is a multi-cultural church, and we have had the opportunity to minister to many different people groups, especially Asians. Through these opportunities and several mission trips to Asia, God has worked in our hearts and directed us to the country of Thailand.
Evelyn’s Testimony
I was born in the Philippines. At the age of five my mother began to take my brothers, sisters and I to Baptist Bible Church in my hometown of Ormoc.
On March 29, 1991, the Lord spoke to my heart, and I realized that I was a sinner and I needed to be saved. I confessed my sins, asked Christ to forgive me, and I accepted Him and His atoning work on the Cross as the full payment for my past, present, and future sins.
Evelyn has had a great burden for the lost since God saved her. As a young girl she surrendered her life to serve the Lord. After graduating from high school, she attended the International School of Missions. She later served as a teacher in a Baptist mission work in Olongapo City, Philippines.
Our Goals
- Evangelize the multiple people groups in Thailand.
- Disciple the new believers.
- Train men in the work of the ministry.
- Start local Independent Baptist Churches.
- Send trained men throughout Thailand, Asia, and the world to start local Independent Baptist Churches.
Jan. to March 2022

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